"There is a TON of conflicting information. You can rest assured that I will only give advice based on MY personal experience."
These were among the first words of wisdom shared with me in an email from Lisa Steele more than a year and a half ago. I was in fervent research mode preparing for the arrival of our chicks and found myself quite puzzled. It seemed that of each book I read, every website I reviewed and all the magazine articles scoured, I was met with as many opinions on chicken keeping as there were authors. While a few did provide research or statistics behind their logic, many took on a 'just because' air in which I was simply supposed to trust what the writer was stating.
I was relieved to have Lisa tell me her approach to chicken keeping, which I'd been keeping up with via Fresh Eggs Daily's Facebook and her Fresh Eggs Daily blog, was tried and true for her. Her thriving, healthy flock was just what I was hoping for in my little chicks future, so I began paying close attention to Fresh Eggs Daily and conversed quite regularly with Lisa...and my poor friend hasn't been rid of me since!
I was thrilled when I learned her first book would be published and knew that so many could benefit from her experience and advice. In reading through the chapters, I found that Lisa was able to convey her passion for raising healthy, happy animals with clarity for those inexperienced and offering a fresh outlook to shake the dust off the old school keeping methods.
This is not a beginner's how to raise chickens manual, nor is it another book filled with the same recycled advice you'll find in other basic poultry care books. (It even kindly says so toward the end of the introduction) It is a wonderful companion book to your chicken health library. This book is an absolute go to resource for strengthening the health of your flock while also improving the quality of their lives. By using Fresh Eggs Daily's advice, you will be incorporating herbs into your chickens diet in order to prevent certain illness, offer them the immediate beneficial effects of the herbs and also to give them nutritious treats.
I knew that herbs had positive health benefits, but I truly had little idea a fraction of what they were capable of. Repelling mosquitoes? Blood clotting? Pain relievers? Yes, all these things and much more! In my inexperience, I simply thought that they were just good for them - kind of in the way that I know vaguely the benefits of eating vegetables are. I never thought that I could use them to help prevent illness in my hens or, if the worst came, I could rely on them as part of my first aid kit.
In true Fresh Eggs Daily fashion, there are also several recipes and how-to projects to make your coop kids happy with healthy treats and sprays to make their digs clean and smelling great too! Lisa knows I love to spoil my animals, so I was thrilled to see a few new snack ideas for them in the chapters. My girls will be distracted this winter by a few tasty creations!

But consider this: if you ate the bare minimum of food and nutrients you needed to survive, what could you expect your health to be like? Do you think you'd be very strong or lively? How happy would you be to sit down to a basic, bland diet every day?
In caring for animals, as in caring for people, you absolutely get what you give.
In spending a small amount of money and time growing herbs, you can offer your flock a nutritional boost, protection against illness and a fun treat. (Also in having herbs grown for the chicken, consider the ways you can incorporate them into your life) Some may think such things are frivolous, but I disagree. You will be rewarded with more nutritious eggs and healthier birds. And who doesn't love a big beautiful egg or watching their girl's gorgeous feathers shimmering in the afternoon sunlight?
If the minimalist approach to animal care is for you, I wish you luck. You will need it eventually, I fear. As for me, I will eagerly look forward to spring and deciding what herbs I'll try my hand at growing for my girls. As always, I will turn to Fresh Eggs Daily for more insight and wisdom that works! This beautifully photographed and highly informative book will remain front and center in my chicken keeping library - and now I'd like to give you a chance to put it to use in your own flock!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Entries will be accepted until Friday October 25. The winner will be announced Saturday October 26! If you aren't that lucky winner announced, be sure to go to order a copy today! Good luck to you all!